
For the last decade the company has worked with many big and small clients producing thousands of videos and being involved in countless projects. 

//Some of the links may not be functional as some of the companies have been closed in the meantime or have changed their web addresses.

DTU ( - the Technical University of Denmark is one of the major clients of the company. Hundreds of videos have been produced including lecture recordings, live streaming, studio presentations, video installations and eng…

DTU ( - the Technical University of Denmark is one of the major clients of the company. Hundreds of videos have been produced including lecture recordings, live streaming, studio presentations, video installations and engineering solutions. For extended view of the work, please visit and

* Qtalks ( - the company has developed a phone application facilitating communication between people and trying to solve problems with social engagement, loneliness and personal issues. Qtalks has been a client all the way from t…

* Qtalks ( - the company has developed a phone application facilitating communication between people and trying to solve problems with social engagement, loneliness and personal issues. Qtalks has been a client all the way from their beginning and multiple videos have been created for them. Their requests have inspired a lot of progress in the company including advanced animations.

The vocal ensemble Dopplers ( consists of 10 singers and is conducted by Astrid Vang-Pedersen. The group sings a broad repertoire within multiple genres such as pop, folk, world and classical music, and they eagerly experiment wit…

The vocal ensemble Dopplers ( consists of 10 singers and is conducted by Astrid Vang-Pedersen. The group sings a broad repertoire within multiple genres such as pop, folk, world and classical music, and they eagerly experiment with combining these genres. Dopplers furthermore has a specific focus on communicative performance through introductions, choreographies and audience participation. The group compose and arrange a great amount of their repertoire though they also incorporate known pieces and compositions. Their goal is to innovate the traditional concert event through the conscious work on performance and engagement. Dopplers has won a gold medal at the international choir competition in Randers 2012, a second place in the category “Rhythmic choir” at Aarhus Vocal Festival 2015, along with a special prize for the most innovative choir performance, and was elected to perform at the World Symposium on Choral Music in 2017 and at Sing Strong A Cappella Festival in New York in 2019. Their concert in Vanløse kulturcenter in 2015 has been recorded and a short promo video has been created for them.

EMS2019 - ( - The EMS is the association of Meteorological Societies in Europe. The network consists of 37 Member Societies and 27 Associate Members. The EMS is a non-profit-making organisation. The EMS Annual Meetings attract…

EMS2019 - ( - The EMS is the association of Meteorological Societies in Europe. The network consists of 37 Member Societies and 27 Associate Members. The EMS is a non-profit-making organisation. The EMS Annual Meetings attract some 600 people each year from all sectors of the field. With a number of Awards outstanding contributions to the science, its applications and communication are honoured; young scientists are supported through travel grants. LIFE er et landsdækkende og almennyttigt undervisningsinitiativ, der har til formål at styrke børn og unges viden om og fascination for naturvidenskab gennem undersøgelsesbaseret naturfagsundervisning.  LIFEs første undervisningsforl… LIFE er et landsdækkende og almennyttigt undervisningsinitiativ, der har til formål at styrke børn og unges viden om og fascination for naturvidenskab gennem undersøgelsesbaseret naturfagsundervisning. LIFEs første undervisningsforløb kan bookes nu.

Startup Weekend Copenhagen ( 2012 - a 3 day event in Copenhagen devoted to entrepreneurship engaging many young people and inspiring them to create their own businesses.

Startup Weekend Copenhagen ( 2012 - a 3 day event in Copenhagen devoted to entrepreneurship engaging many young people and inspiring them to create their own businesses.

TedX Copenhagen. ( 2014 - George has been a part of the team filming the event. He took the role of engineer working with the video installation and a camera operator on a crane.

TedX Copenhagen. ( 2014 - George has been a part of the team filming the event. He took the role of engineer working with the video installation and a camera operator on a crane.

Olway was a small company operating in Copenhagen facilitating corporate events. Three of them have been recorded and published.

Olway was a small company operating in Copenhagen facilitating corporate events. Three of them have been recorded and published.

Black Silicone Solar ( is a startup company from DTU Nanotech revolutionizing the production of solar panels. Black Silicon Solar have developed a new way of increasing the absorption of ligh…

Black Silicone Solar ( is a startup company from DTU Nanotech revolutionizing the production of solar panels. Black Silicon Solar have developed a new way of increasing the absorption of light in silicon solar cells. Using nanotechnology we can offer a method that drastically increases the absorption of light in a way that is cost-effective. This is achieved by a simple, scalable 1-step texturing process. The technology makes the manufacturing of solar cells less complicated, cleaner and may be applied to multiple types of silicon substrates, including very thin wafers, which will save tons of silicon and lower production cost in the near future. We believe our technology can lower the cost of solar cells by a significant margin.

Naplas ( is a danish startup company developing detectors for hazardous materials in old buildings. The promo video has been created for them.

Naplas ( is a danish startup company developing detectors for hazardous materials in old buildings. The promo video has been created for them.

Bikway was a danish startup company developing innovative bike lanes for the big cities. Their pitch video has been recorded and produced by us.

Bikway was a danish startup company developing innovative bike lanes for the big cities. Their pitch video has been recorded and produced by us.

Open Source Trio - International jazz trio, playing original compositions - combining a touch of jazz, classical, electronica and world music. (

Open Source Trio - International jazz trio, playing original compositions - combining a touch of jazz, classical, electronica and world music. (

Stardust is dedicated to helping you navigate the often puzzling scene of startups and entrepreneurship

Stardust is dedicated to helping you navigate the often puzzling scene of startups and entrepreneurship

Term Sheet Battle Copenhagen ( 2012 - a major event about entrepreneurship in Copenhagen that has been recorded and produced.

Term Sheet Battle Copenhagen ( 2012 - a major event about entrepreneurship in Copenhagen that has been recorded and produced.

CDIO academy 2011 ( was a major event held by DTU. One of the many projects within it has been the Green City

CDIO academy 2011 ( was a major event held by DTU. One of the many projects within it has been the Green City

Just Eat Denmark - ( The danish subsidiary of the world famous franchise Just Eat is a client for food photography. Unfortunately it is not possible to show the work but some promo shots are available.

Just Eat Denmark - ( The danish subsidiary of the world famous franchise Just Eat is a client for food photography. Unfortunately it is not possible to show the work but some promo shots are available.

Science and Cocktails ( - the famous lectures about science and technology in Christiania/Copenhagen have been a client of the company. Due to restricted budget only one performance has been recorded and strea…

Science and Cocktails ( - the famous lectures about science and technology in Christiania/Copenhagen have been a client of the company. Due to restricted budget only one performance has been recorded and streamed. Science & Cocktails is an initiative that brings science and entertainment closer together by creating a series of public lectures intertwined with music/art performances and smoky dry-ice chilled cocktails in your hand. Scientific knowledge is in general not considered accessible by many and, like any other form of information, it travels from researcher to journalist and is finally transmitted through the usual media channels (but perhaps slightly distorted). Science & Cocktails aims to create a relaxed platform where researchers and audience are on equal footing and conversations can be easily followed while sipping a Famous Penicillin cocktail side by side with your favorite scientist. It is our belief that a night culture that evolves around knowledge, discussion and entertainment is altogether lacking in urban spaces. Taking a scientific approach that extends not only through information flow but also as an inspiration in music/art and as a tool in the craft of cocktails we seek to create a unique atmosphere.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The mission of Open Learning is to transform teaching and learning at MIT and around the globe through the innovative use of digital technologies. Two videos for online course have been recorded for MITx at DT…

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The mission of Open Learning is to transform teaching and learning at MIT and around the globe through the innovative use of digital technologies. Two videos for online course have been recorded for MITx at DTU in Denmark by SG multimedia.

The University of Copenhagen is the oldest university and research institution in Denmark. Founded in 1479 as a studium generale, it is the second oldest institution for higher education in Scandinavia after Uppsala University.

The University of Copenhagen is the oldest university and research institution in Denmark. Founded in 1479 as a studium generale, it is the second oldest institution for higher education in Scandinavia after Uppsala University.

EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community, working towards a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a circular, zero-carbon

EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community, working towards a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a circular, zero-carbon economy.

The Danish Hub for Cybersecurity consists of: The Alexandra Institute, CenSec - Center for Defense, Space & Security, Copenhagen Business School, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, DBI - The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, …

The Danish Hub for Cybersecurity consists of: The Alexandra Institute, CenSec - Center for Defense, Space & Security, Copenhagen Business School, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, DBI - The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, Business Academy Aarhus, FORCE Technology, InfinIT - Innovation Network for IT, IT University of Copenhagen, KEA - Copenhagen Business Academy, University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University and Aarhus University.

Foreningens formål er at arbejde for fuld ligestilling for alle danske familiekonstellationer i Danmark, primært inden for familiestrukturer, reproduktion og det daglige institutionelle, strukturelle og kulturelle samfundsliv i Danmark.Aktiviteter t…

Foreningens formål er at arbejde for fuld ligestilling for alle danske familiekonstellationer i Danmark, primært inden for familiestrukturer, reproduktion og det daglige institutionelle, strukturelle og kulturelle samfundsliv i Danmark.

Aktiviteter til understøttelse heraf er blandt andet målrettede oplysningsaktiviteter, direkte påvirkning af politiske beslutningsprocesser og en indsats for synliggørelse. Internt at koordinere og formidle information, lede netværk, yde aktiv støtte samt etablere fælles tiltag.

Vi hjælper og støtter dig der er i behandling, og dig som er kommet igennem behandlinger - uanset om det er lykkedes eller ej

Vi hjælper og støtter dig der er i behandling, og dig som er kommet igennem behandlinger - uanset om det er lykkedes eller ej

The main objective of ESA BIC DK will be to create and strengthen communities of successful space related start-ups in Denmark by supporting 40 start-ups during the period of 2020-24. The activities will contribute significantly to growing clusters …

The main objective of ESA BIC DK will be to create and strengthen communities of successful space related start-ups in Denmark by supporting 40 start-ups during the period of 2020-24. The activities will contribute significantly to growing clusters of space-based companies in Denmark